Madhulika is a Program Lead for Safety Critical AI.

In her work as a lawyer and policy professional, Madhulika has led global partnerships and engagement with governments, tech companies, law enforcement, and international policymakers while undertaking research in digital rights and technology policy. She was an India-U.S. public interest technology fellow at New America in Washington D.C. and an associate fellow and program coordinator with Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi. 

Madhulika’s research on law enforcement access to data has been cited extensively by prominent stakeholders, including the expert committee, led by a former supreme court justice, established to draft India’s first data protection law. She also steered a comparative legal project on cross-border surveillance and privacy in collaboration with Georgia Tech. Most recently, Madhulika co-authored a report for the Berkman Klein Center titled “Principled Artificial Intelligence” examining 36 AI principles documents from prominent public and private stakeholders through a comparative lens. 

Madhulika has published across a variety of mediums, including regularly authoring opinion pieces for national publications. She has spoken and presented at conferences and other events around the world, including Track 1.5 dialogues. Most recently, she discussed sovereignty in the digital age for Slate’s Future Tense.

Madhulika is a lawyer by training and joins PAI after completing her graduate studies (LL.M.) at Harvard Law School where she was an Inlaks Foundation Scholar and a Cravath International Fellow. She received her BA LL.B. (Hons.) from Gujarat National Law University in India.

Angela Glover Blackwell


Joaquin Quiñonero Candela


Greg S. Corrado


Rebecca Finlay


Jason Furman


Prof Thore Graepel


Jerremy Holland


Eric Horvitz


Ayanna Howard

The Ohio State University

Prem Natarajan


Carol Rose


Francesca Rossi


Eric Sears


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Head of AI, Labor, and the Economy

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Program Lead for Safety Critical AI

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Program Lead for ABOUT ML and Fairness, Transparency, and Accountability


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