AI and Media Integrity Steering Committee

The AI and Media Integrity Steering Committee is a formal body of PAI Partner organizations focused on projects to confront the emergent threat of AI-generated mis/disinformation, synthetic media, and AI’s effects on public discourse.

Our Members

Current and Completed Projects

Ongoing Work of the Steering Committee


The Deepfake Detection Challenge: Insights and Recommendations for AI and Media Integrity

The Partnership on AI and members of the AI and Media Integrity Steering Committee are proud to share a report out of our collective efforts in the Deepfake Detection Challenge (DFDC). In this report, we present six key insights and associated recommendations that can inform future work on synthetic media detection, many of which extend to AI and its impact on media integrity more broadly. In doing so, we also document PAI’s involvement with the DFDC and share our learnings for conducting meaningful multistakeholder work for AI’s development.

March 12, 2020