Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is PAI?

    The Partnership on AI (PAI) is a multistakeholder organization that brings together academics, researchers, civil society organizations, companies building and utilizing AI technology, and other groups working to better understand AI’s impacts. The Partnership was established to study and formulate best practices on AI technologies, to advance the public’s understanding of AI, and to serve as an open platform for discussion and engagement about AI and its influences on people and society.

  • When was PAI created?

    The Partnership was formally established in late 2016, led by a group of AI researchers representing six of the world’s largest technology companies: Apple, Amazon, DeepMind and Google, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft. In 2017 the addition of six not-for-profit Board members expanded the Partnership into a multi-stakeholder organization – which now represents a community of 50+ member organizations. Read the letter from our Founding Co-Chairs here.

  • Who runs PAI today?

    Rebecca Finlay is the Acting Executive Director at the Partnership on AI overseeing the organization’s mission and strategy. In this role, Rebecca ensures that the PAI Team and our global community of Partners work together so that developments in AI advance positive outcomes for people and society. She continues her role on the Board of Directors, while taking on this additional responsibility.

  • What are the goals of PAI?

    The goals of the Partnership are four-fold:

    First, to develop and share best-practice methods and approaches in the research, development, testing, and fielding of AI technologies;

    Second, to advance public understanding of AI across varied constituencies, including on core technologies, potential benefits, and costs;

    Third, to provide an open and inclusive platform for discussion and engagement on the future of AI, and to ensure that key stakeholders have the knowledge, resources, and overall capacity to participate fully in these important conversations; and

    Fourth, to identify and foster aspirational efforts in AI for socially benevolent applications.

    Our Partner community contributes deeply to shaping and achieving these objectives.

  • Is PAI a lobbying organization?

    PAI is not a lobbying organization. We do, however, intend to be a resource to policymakers when relevant and possible — for instance, in conducting research that informs AI best practices and exploring the societal consequences of certain AI systems, as well as policies around the development and use of AI systems.

  • Where does PAI’s funding come from?

    The activities of the Partnership on AI are funded by charitable contributions in the form of membership dues paid by its for-profit Partners and contributions and grants from foundations.

  • What is PAI’s view on the biggest risks associated with AI?

    Artificial intelligence technologies hold significant promise for raising the quality of people’s lives across the world. However, with technological development comes new concerns and challenges associated with the responsible development and the effects of AI, including the safety and trustworthiness of AI technologies, the fairness and transparency of systems, and the intentional as well as inadvertent influences of AI on people and society.

    Our thematic pillars illustrate a set of issues where PAI sees some of the greatest risks and opportunities for AI. A central goal of PAI, building upon the issues enumerated in these pillars, is to ensure that the benefits of AI are distributed as broadly as possible, and that the challenges associated with AI are understood and addressed.

The Partnership on AI (PAI) is a multistakeholder organization that brings together academics, researchers, civil society organizations, companies building and utilizing AI technology, and other groups working to better understand AI’s impacts. The Partnership was established to study and formulate best practices on AI technologies, to advance the public’s understanding of AI, and to serve as an open platform for discussion and engagement about AI and its influences on people and society.

The Partnership was formally established in late 2016, led by a group of AI researchers representing six of the world’s largest technology companies: Apple, Amazon, DeepMind and Google, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft. In 2017 the addition of six not-for-profit Board members expanded the Partnership into a multi-stakeholder organization – which now represents a community of 50+ member organizations. Read the letter from our Founding Co-Chairs here.

Rebecca Finlay is the Acting Executive Director at the Partnership on AI overseeing the organization’s mission and strategy. In this role, Rebecca ensures that the PAI Team and our global community of Partners work together so that developments in AI advance positive outcomes for people and society. She continues her role on the Board of Directors, while taking on this additional responsibility.

The goals of the Partnership are four-fold:

First, to develop and share best-practice methods and approaches in the research, development, testing, and fielding of AI technologies;

Second, to advance public understanding of AI across varied constituencies, including on core technologies, potential benefits, and costs;

Third, to provide an open and inclusive platform for discussion and engagement on the future of AI, and to ensure that key stakeholders have the knowledge, resources, and overall capacity to participate fully in these important conversations; and

Fourth, to identify and foster aspirational efforts in AI for socially benevolent applications.

Our Partner community contributes deeply to shaping and achieving these objectives.

PAI is not a lobbying organization. We do, however, intend to be a resource to policymakers when relevant and possible — for instance, in conducting research that informs AI best practices and exploring the societal consequences of certain AI systems, as well as policies around the development and use of AI systems.

The activities of the Partnership on AI are funded by charitable contributions in the form of membership dues paid by its for-profit Partners and contributions and grants from foundations.

Artificial intelligence technologies hold significant promise for raising the quality of people’s lives across the world. However, with technological development comes new concerns and challenges associated with the responsible development and the effects of AI, including the safety and trustworthiness of AI technologies, the fairness and transparency of systems, and the intentional as well as inadvertent influences of AI on people and society.

Our thematic pillars illustrate a set of issues where PAI sees some of the greatest risks and opportunities for AI. A central goal of PAI, building upon the issues enumerated in these pillars, is to ensure that the benefits of AI are distributed as broadly as possible, and that the challenges associated with AI are understood and addressed.